Watch as Tracey works with a pre-K student on Kindergarten level standards using Math Strengths and Stretches.
Accountable Talking Stems Strategy
 In this video, Tracey McKenzie shares a tip on getting kids to ask questions in class by using Accountable…
Three Tips for Discussing Data with Students
DATA. DATA. DATA. Seems like all we talk about at staff meetings is data. Formative data. Summative data. Standardized data….
Coaches just tell you what to do, right?
AÂ few months ago I was facilitating a session and during a break, one of the participants approached me with this…
Who do you think you are?
Perhaps we all have heard the saying, “show me who your friends are (or what    you love) and…
How to Incorporate Reflection into Your Teaching Practice in 3 Easy Steps
“Experiential learning takes place when a person involved in an activity looks back and evaluates it, determines what was useful…
Dear Courageous Leader (April 2013)
Reflection is a powerful and often overlooked process. It is through reflection on our previous experiences that we can identify…
A Crucial Component of Learning
John Dewey reminds us, “We learn by doing, if we reflect on what we are doing.” Our own Carolyn McKanders…
Strategies for Student Learning
Rick Wormelli (ASCD/Learning Forward) reminds us that student learning is enhanced when teachers set aside the last 5 – 7…