Difficulty #5: Effective Teacher Training Empowering Educators: Professional development presenters at the Institute for Excellence in Education go through rigorous…
Professional Learning Communities
Teaching in China
This video is at Hangzhou Foreign Language School and training teachers from HFLS and Entel. The IEE team facilitated ways…
Who do you think you are?
Perhaps we all have heard the saying, “show me who your friends are (or what you love) and…
So we formed PLCs, now what?
If you haven’t been placed in a PLC or are unsure of the acronym (it is Professional Learning Community) then…
What are you talking about?
This is the fifth blog of a 10 part series. The average adult female speaks about 5,000 words a day…
Wouldn’t it be nice?
Controlling the Variables – This is the fourth blog of a 10 part series It was more than five decades…
Change is an inside job
This is the third blog of a 10 part series. Marilyn Ferguson stated, “Each of us guards a gate of…
Ways to Build Trust
“According to Gallup, the factors of engagement, relationships, collaboration, hope, and trust are essential for learning and high performance. This…
Shepherd Elementary: A PLC Journey
Most, if not all, schools strive to function as Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). Educators are well aware of research clearly…
Dear Courageous Leader (April 2013)
Reflection is a powerful and often overlooked process. It is through reflection on our previous experiences that we can identify…
A Crucial Component of Learning
John Dewey reminds us, “We learn by doing, if we reflect on what we are doing.” Our own Carolyn McKanders…
Dear Courageous Leader – March 2013
Dear Courageous Leader, Today’s teachers are required to juggle many responsibilities. From content expert to strategy guru teachers need to…