What are Brag Tags?
Brag Tags work alongside IEE’s Focused Instructional Model Mathematics program, as a classroom incentive system that are used to encourage, promote, and celebrate positive behavior and learning goals. There are 2 types of tags, non-cognitive (ex: I am organized, I am cooperative, etc.) and mathematical. The mathematic tags are directly linked to the FIM program—as the students take the Progress Monitoring Tests and learn required math skills, they receive math achievement tags. When a student demonstrates a behavior that the teacher feels is exemplary, a non-cognitive tag is rewarded to that student.
These tags are approximately 1″x2.75″ and hung on a 2 inch key-ring that students can attach to their backpacks. There are different Brag Tags awarded for each grade level (K-8). The students can choose to keep adding on to this ring throughout all these grades and collect all of the fun designs available. Add more fun and gamification to the classroom by ordering your Brag Tags today!