Professional Development
& Coaching For Teachers
As former teachers and principals, our team of passionate experts knows how important it is to keep learning as things shift and change. That is why we have designed a power-packed list of professional development courses for principals and teachers, as well as job-embedded coaching. Our coaches work side-by-side with educators, modeling new methods and co-teaching in classrooms, for the specific purpose of empowering educators to make continued improvements to their practice.
Our Professional Development For Teachers
IEE’s professional development is grounded in Learning Forward’s Standards of professional learning, providing school communities with holistic and systematic experiences that lead to sustained changes in practice. Our presenters are expert facilitators trained in leading adult learners through new processes and cognitive conflict. We work to identify the professional development needs and ensure learning is embedded in the school improvement process.
Our Coaching
We use the Adaptive Schools model to build collaborative capacities in schools and Cognitive Coaching to mediate adult thinking and learning. Collaborative capacities hold shared responsibilities for student learning. They value continuous learning and seek opportunities to learn and grow from one another. Coaching provides teachers and school leaders with a “thought partner” as they apply their new learning and changes to their practice, while Cognitive Coaching systematically changes educator practice and ultimately improves educator effectiveness. These models have been hailed as “life-changing” and served as the “a-ha” moment for school leaders across the country.
The Trauma-Sensitive Classroom
We all can picture certain students that create diversions when it’s time to work... that crawl under the tables to cope... that are silent, hoping to be invisible. These students weigh heavy on our hearts and know exactly how to push our buttons. In this engaging seminar series, participants will learn to identify the characteristics of students living in chronically stressful situations and provide strategies to keep these students invested in the educational process.
Relationships Matter
Just like tilling the soil before planting season, building relationships with students involves hard work, dedication, and continuous effort. Research on today’s children shows, more than ever, that students need a sense of belonging in order to attain academic growth. These connections provide the necessary roots for all kids to relate and grow in powerful ways, both academically and socially. Participants will share their current practices with fellow educators and gain new tools for connecting with those hard to reach students.
Non-Cognitive Factors
When faced with academic adversity, students often feel threatened and outwardly display feelings of frustration. Or, they might be excited for the opportunity to problem solve and work their way through a task. This session will help teachers become familiar with non-cognitive skills and learn how to identify students displaying avoidance traits, and help get them back on track and ready to learn. Teachers will also explore ways to teach non-cognitive factors to their students so they can become aware of how their actions affect their learning.
Providing a Productive Struggle
Why are students so quick to ask for help? Because teachers are so quick to give them help! After all, we became educators to nurture children. Our day together will feature classroom structures and strategies that will help students become proficient problem solvers through providing a productive struggle and allowing time for students to exhibit perseverance.
Student Engagement Strategies
Increase engagement by harnessing student interests and energy! Participants will learn new strategies for engaging students during instruction, transitions, and reflection. Presenters will utilize current brain research to model various instructional strategies and provide participants opportunities to consider application tailored to fit their needs. Teachers from all levels and subject areas are invited to attend and bring back valuable ideas that can be implemented immediately in their classrooms.
Customized Professional Development
In the era of continuous improvement and growth, your School Improvement Plans (SIP) chart your course for new professional learning and improved student success. IEE can help your school meet the goals of your School Improvement Plan by providing professional development tailored to the needs of your educators and the strategies of your SIP. From data dialogues, to PLCs, to academic interventions, to social emotional learning, our IEE coaches have a vast array of experiences and expertise to help move your school forward. Our expert presenters are trained to utilize engaging strategies that build trust and rapport.
IEE is an outcome-based organization focused on your academic success. Contact an IEE coach today to connect your School Improvement Plan to improved student outcomes. Potential evidence-based topics include non-cognitive skills, the Focused Instructional Model, data analysis, universal design for learning, climate and culture, student engagement, and much more.
Creating a Collaborative Culture
Ready to grow a collaborative culture? Participants will unearth the beliefs and values required to sow these seeds. Emphasis will be placed on providing a safe environment where staff members feel secure and enabled to engage in productive dialogue.
Feedback and Evaluations
School leaders will explore the logistics around teacher evaluation. They will discover the power of a Calibrating Conversation and how it applies to improving teacher efficiency. School leaders will examine the different types of feedback to make choices on which best fits their outcomes. Participants will have opportunities to enhance their abilities to observe, plan and design their evaluation system.
Data Discussions
Join us to begin growing a data culture in your school! School leaders will discuss various strategies, practices, and protocols that will develop a school-wide data culture. Specific topics will include data discussions, visual representations, authentic assessments, and formative assessment.
Middle Grades Seminar Series
Together we can "DIY Today" - one young adolescent, one classroom, one school at a time. IEE brings together teams of building principals and teacher leaders to engage in continuous school improvement through a powerful combination of networking and on-site coaching. The seminars provide middle-grades leadership teams opportunities to focus on creating schools aligned with the national and state Schools to Watch (STW) vision and criteria. The learning is further supported through on-site coaching from a qualified Leadership Coach.
Trauma Sensitive Classroom Seminar Series
We all can picture certain students that create diversions when it’s time to work... that crawl under the tables to cope... that are silent, hoping to be invisible. These students weigh heavy on our hearts and know exactly how to push our buttons. In this engaging seminar series, participants will learn to identify the characteristics of students living in chronically stressful situations and provide strategies to keep these students invested in the educational process.
Customized Professional Development
In the era of continuous improvement and growth, your School Improvement Plans (SIP) chart your course for new professional learning and improved student success. IEE can help your school meet the goals of your School Improvement Plan by providing professional development tailored to the needs of your educators and the strategies of your SIP. From data dialogues, to PLCs, to academic interventions, to social emotional learning, our IEE coaches have a vast array of experiences and expertise to help move your school forward. Our expert presenters are trained to utilize engaging strategies that build trust and rapport.
IEE is an outcome-based organization focused on your academic success. Contact an IEE coach today to connect your School Improvement Plan to improved student outcomes. Potential evidence-based topics include non-cognitive skills, the Focused Instructional Model, data analysis, universal design for learning, climate and culture, student engagement, and much more.
We have a coach for that!
Join the IEE team as we explore current trends in education to deepen teacher understanding of the latest research and strategies that ultimately lead to increased student achievement.