IEE team members have had the pleasure of supporting the professional development needs of Entel Foreign Language School. During our…
Educational excellence
Teaching in China
This video is at Hangzhou Foreign Language School and training teachers from HFLS and Entel. The IEE team facilitated ways…
See how Manton is kicking off the new school year!
Teachers in Manton are taking risks and trying something new in their classrooms this year! With IEE’s 2 day professional…
Engage Me Strategy
Watch this video on a great strategy you can use in your classroom! “Engage Me” is a great way to…
Nothing Beats a Great Teacher
Perhaps it would be easier to produce a fabulous curriculum, an extraordinary strategy or an outstanding program than it is…
The Unforgettable Teacher
Most teachers choose the field of education in order to inspire and to make an impact on the lives of…
Data, data everywhere and not a bit to help
We live in a world not unlike the saying, “water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink.” In an…
What are you talking about?
This is the fifth blog of a 10 part series. The average adult female speaks about 5,000 words a day…
5 Ways to Encourage Productive Struggle
“Telling my students the answer does not help them learn; in fact, it stops their learning”. (Carter 2008) Through countless…
I like it when teachers…
I’ve had the good fortune these past couple of years, of working in middle schools with staff and students, helping…
One person with a belief is equal to ninety-nine who have only interests
“One person with a belief is equal to ninety-nine who have only interests.” – John Stuart Mill As individuals and…
Urban success
Urban schools often conjure up images of dilapidated buildings filled with impoverished kids, posting failing test scores. And yet there…