IEE team members have had the pleasure of supporting the professional development needs of Entel Foreign Language School. During our…
Accountable Talking Stems Strategy
 In this video, Tracey McKenzie shares a tip on getting kids to ask questions in class by using Accountable…
Teaching in China
This video is at Hangzhou Foreign Language School and training teachers from HFLS and Entel. The IEE team facilitated ways…
Engage Me Strategy
Watch this video on a great strategy you can use in your classroom! “Engage Me” is a great way to…
Bay City Academy
This year Bay City Academy made a name for itself by scoring in the 83rd percentile on the M-STEP state…
The Unforgettable Teacher
Most teachers choose the field of education in order to inspire and to make an impact on the lives of…
So we formed PLCs, now what?
If you haven’t been placed in a PLC or are unsure of the acronym (it is Professional Learning Community) then…
How to Use Data Walls Effectively
Teachers today are surrounded with data; formative, summative, demographic, behavioral, non-cognitive… the list goes on and on. At times, teachers…
5 Ways to Encourage Productive Struggle
“Telling my students the answer does not help them learn; in fact, it stops their learning”. (Carter 2008) Through countless…
Err on the side of Relationships
A very wise mentor once told me, “Always err on the side of relationships.” This sage advice stuck with me…
Ways to Build Trust
“According to Gallup, the factors of engagement, relationships, collaboration, hope, and trust are essential for learning and high performance. This…
Resilience, Basketball, and Leadership
It was January 1982 when I hit the lowest of low points as our school’s head basketball coach. My third…