Employee Signature ICAN Your Full NamePosition TitleOffice PhoneMobile PhoneEmail Add an optional link to your Scheduling Tool (e.g. Calendly or Acuity) Yes No Scheduling link textScheduling link (e.g. Calendly or Acuity) Signature Notes: Moving forward, it is STRONGLY recommended that all team members switch to using the online version of Outlook (Outlook Web App). You can repeat the steps below for other signature blocks as well. If you choose to use multiple signature blocks, you can click the signature pen icon in the tool bar when composing an email to change which signature you would like to use. Instructions: Click this link to add it to your Outlook: Outlook > Settings > Compose and reply Title your new Signature Paste the newly created signature in the editor Click the Save button in the bottom-right corner Once saved, use the Select default signatures area to ensure that your new signature block has been selected in the For New Messages: and (optionally) For Replies/Forwards: Click the Save button Close the Settings window and try composing a new email to test out your new signature The Institute for Excellence in Education M | O | www.ExcellenceInEd.org The Institute for Excellence in Education M | O | www.ExcellenceInEd.org Δ