How do you develop a relentless focus on excellence? This is a question we continuously ask ourselves at the Institute for Excellence in Education. The question applies to teachers, principals, school leaders, schools and districts everywhere.
In his book Good to Great, Jim Collins uses the “Hedgehog Concept” to help organizations find their focus. He tells us, “Good-to-great companies focused on those activities that ignited their passion.” It is in this quote that we find our drive for excellence at the Institute. We are passionate about the success of students. Each member of our team holds that passion personally and organizationally. With that passion has come a relentless focus on supporting the work of schools in ways that result in excellent learning environments for every child.
I encourage you as a courageous leader to find that focus personally and organizationally. What is it professionally that you are passionate enough about to pursue with a relentless focus? As an organization, what beliefs do you hold that can focus your work and move your organization to excellence?
In this month’s newsletter you will read about the success at Godfry-Lee High School, success found in an uncompromising focus on improvement. You can also read about the Institute’s Focused Instructional Model being used in schools around the state to improve student achievement in the area of math. You will also find information about many upcoming events. Mark your calendars; find time to participate. New learning will help you find your focus!
Sherry and the IEE Team
Sherry Lambertson
Institute for Excellence in Education
Institute for Excellence in Education