Leadership Coach
Craig Douglas, a leadership coach at IEE, is a servant leader who gains satisfaction from helping educators set goals and work to achieve them for the betterment of their students, parents, and communities. Craig has worked in Bay City, Coloma, Swan Valley, Johannesburg-Lewiston, Frankenmuth, Mayville, Reese, Oscoda, and Chesaning Schools as Leadership Coach.
Before joining the Institute for Excellence in Education, Craig was Dean of the College of Education (SVSU), Superintendent of Schools (Oscoda & Carrollton), building level principal (Oscoda & Lakers), and math teacher & coach (Chesaning & Big Rapids). Among Craig’s hobbies are running (32 marathons and 29 Bobby Crim 10-mile finishes) and playing golf. He is active in his community (Carrollton Lions Club President) and church (Elder at First Presbyterian Church). He is an elected Carrollton Township Trustee serving his second term of office.
Craig has three degrees from Central Michigan University (B.S., M.A., Ed.S.) and a Ph.D. from Michigan State University.