The Math Focused Instructional Model provides a focused and intentional approach that targets specifically identified Critical Focus Areas. These CFAs are chosen from the Michigan Common Core State Standards. FIM places a large emphasis on critical application questions and building the habits of minds which are present in efficient and effective thinkers.
Math FIM encourages teachers to intentionally engage students in necessary critical thinking practices and help learners better understand the math concepts and ideas appropriate to their grade level. By assessing students by-weekly on Progress Monitoring Tests and providing focused intervention based on the results of these, students can self-evaluate and teachers can ensure students are progressing smoothly through the critical material.
The three-day training will walk teachers through the FIM Math process so they can begin using the tools in their class immediately. After the training, our coaches will work alongside teachers to embed the most effective instructional strategies into their classroom and use the progress monitoring data to drive instructional decisions.
This Package includes:
3 days of training
3 days of classroom coaching
Cost: $2,800 *Payment due upon completed agreement with IEE
This cost may be offset with a grant offered by MDE. Click here for more information or to apply for the grant.
We are offering two options for the three-day training. District wide training in a school setting or individual training at the IEE training center. Please select the option below that best meets your needs.
[button color=”green” link=”” target=_blank”]School[/button][button color=”green” link=”” target=_blank”]IEE training center[/button]