Services for Focus Schools
Has your school been identified as a Focus School? If so, the Institute for Excellence in Education can provide you with support to help you close the achievement gaps in your building.
The Institute for Excellence in Education (IEE) can provide an experienced facilitator who is trained in data analysis and coaching to serve as a facilitator to guide central office administrator(s), School Improvement teams, and building administrators in a review of student achievement data. The work of the IEE staff member will be centered around state requirements for Focus Schools and each plan will be individualized to meet the unique needs of the school .
Anticipated outcomes include the following:
- identification of specific gaps in student achievement
- identification of two or more viable strategies to adjust teaching and learning to effectively narrow the achievement gaps
- development of an action plan including district support required to address the identified achievement gap
The Institute for Excellence in Education will assist school leaders in not only identifying the achievement gaps, but also in developing a plan to address the gaps. Once an acceptable plan is in place, IEE staff members can also provide the necessary professional development to ensure that all students are learning at high levels. The Institute has highly trained facilitators and presenters in the areas of differentiated instruction, meeting needs of students with special needs, student engagement strategies, working with language learners, and other content that may be necessary to improved achievement for all students.
Call us today to discuss your needs as a Focus School.
The Institute for Excellence in Education
Sherry Lambertson, Director